Baby C: girl- Mujer ( Frontal Image- looking at us - you can see both hands and little bit of her leg).
Baby B: Girl - mujer( looking at us , frontal image- You can see right hand close to her face)
BAby A : BOy - VAron ( See image 1 crossing his legs and in between legs boys parts)
( Image 2 , beautiful profile )
Before the little trip to MIami . It was the time to find the Great mysterious secret of the sex of the 3 individuals I am carrying in my belly . When we went to the doctor , we were really nervous . Alex most nervous than me, because he didn't want to find out that were 3 girls . But at this point, me , having 3 babies growing inside of me, it is too much to think about the sex, health come first . I want really healthy babies .
I laid down for the ultrasound at the doctor office, I could see the first image, I could see already the part of the boy , so the ultrasound technician said it , baby A it is a Boy . That's it I thought !there are all boy , and Alex was Yes ! . Baby B a Girl , Alex was relief because all women complaining about no girl in the this Stokeld family , baby c , another girl . Alex was a little confuse . How 2 girls? He want at least 1 but 2 it was not what he was expecting . And It was surprising to me !, too . Now we have 2 girls and 2 boys ! 50 and 50 .